Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Ouija Board from Brazil

 A friend of mine told me a story about a Ouija board that his friend brought back from his " mormon mission" in Brazil. He told me it happened in Cedar City, Utah as well. I don't know if i believe him exactly... but I'm sure as hell never touching one.

"My friend Paul was home from his mission for a few weeks, and thats when he invited me over to our mutual friends house Adam. When we met up at Adams house, Paul pulled out an old wooden looking board.

'This is a Ouija board that i got from a man in the jungles of Brazil while on my mission. He said he could talk to spirits that surrounded his home. He carved the board out of one of the trees from the jungle. The writing on the board was painted on from the blood of an animal he sacrificed. I never used it yet but i always wanted to. You guys in?'
"Of course we agreed to the plan. Nobody wanted to take the chance of some demon living in our house so we decided to give it a try at the high school since i was a janitor there. In the middle of the night we sneaked into the school, turned on all the lights in the auditorium and placed the board down on the stage.
"It  started off as a joke at first. Making fun of the surrounding spirits that were supposed to be there. Then my friend asked what his sisters birthday was, knowing that we wouldn't have any idea. He froze and went quite. The atmosphere changed at that exact moment, and things were becoming real. We asked the open air if there was something there that we can't see. 'YES' drug onto the board. Still half way not believing what was going on, we asked the Ouija board if we should be scared of it. 'YES' was pulled on the board. The red writing on the wooden board was now shimmering and looked wet, as if it was just now freshly painted. We then made the mistake of demanding the spirit to make itself known. A coldness dropped, the hairs on my neck stood up. The lights through the auditorium started flashing rapidly and then, nothing. It went pitch black. Outside of the auditorium we could hear the lockers in the empty hallway slamming shut, over and over again. Now we were panicking.

Paul now demanded, 'Lets get the hell out of here.'

"Shaking, we began to stand up. Over us the pipes and wood planks used to walk from spotlight to spotlight started banging together and started falling onto the stage. One, just missing Adams foot by inches, pierced the wooden stage floor so it remained perfectly vertical.

"We couldn't get back to Adams house fast enough, and we knew we had to get rid of it, now.  I suggested that we take this devils artifact to my house and burn it in my wood stove. And so we did so. When we returned to Adams house though, the board was back on his coffee table, unharmed.
The three of us started freaking out. There is no way this could possibly happen.  We then drove up to the top of the nearest mountain, threw it off a cliff then came back to Adams house. There it was, again, on the coffee table. Now half horrified and angry, we took it to the old mining hole that was filled with water out in the middle of the desert. We tied rocks to the damn board and watched it sink to the bottom. By the time we got home, once again, it was back. One more attempt at this we thought, and if this doesn't work, we're basically screwed.We took it to my place, where i got the axe and took it to the board. Hacked at the thing until it was only splinters. Then brought it inside and burned it in my fire place. We gathered the ashes, and took it out again to the mining lake and dumped it out there. AGAIN, it would not leave. Still in same condition as before, we found the Ouija board from Brazil unharmed.

"Paul was stuck with the board for almost three months. Then one day, some old, toothy man showed up at the doorstep, asking if he could have the old wooden Ouija board back. Gladly, Paul gave it back to him and he never saw the board or the man again."

Like i said, I will never touch one of these things in my life.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boy Scout Horror

Twelve years old, and turning into the new hard core boy scout tribe in my town. This was not the, "lets go camping this weekend and i'll bring the grill and camper trailer!" camping. This was, "Here's a match, a knife, and a tarp. I'll be back in 3 days. Good luck." kind of camping in the middle of the woods at 9,000ft elevation.

During this trip i was told the scariest damn story you could have ever hear of for a 12 year old. My scout leader began this story probably around midnight as we circled the campfire. I don't know where we were exactly, somewhere in the high mountains of Utah i believe. I still don't know whether he thought it was actually true or not, (very doubtful) but here it is..

"My grandfather was a wood cutter back in the day. He and several other men would have to leave their wives and cut wood in the middle of the forest for months at a time and hunt for food and store water when they could. They were true rough mountain men.

A workers wife would travel 4 hours just to see her husband during these long months. This stunningly beautiful wife would bring several different kinds of bread and maybe some treats for the workers as well. A few of these men built a series of cabins that stretched between a miles of the forest. Well, as you may know, a man can get mighty lonely up in the forest by himself. Especially, if he doesn't have a woman at home waiting for him. Sam, a strange man that never talked much but just had that different 'feel' about him, probably because he had these black, empty looking eyes. Sam  was always eying this other mans wife during the visits throughout the year.

One day, the wife came crying to her husband saying that Sam stopped her in the middle of the dirt road. Demanding for certain favors that she wasn't going to do but she broke free and ran. The husband was furious. He was going to kill Sam. The husband waited for Sam to fall asleep in one of the cabins in the woods. When he was sure he was asleep, he barricaded the door and sparked flames onto the cabin. Watching it ignite, grow, and consume the cabin. He could hear Sam scream from inside. Blood curling screams that pierced through the morals and the skin of the husband. While the cabin continued to burn, the husband turned his back and left.

Several days later the other workers found the ashes of the cabin. They weren't sad though, they too were actually relieved that Sam was gone.

A few months later,  the same young, beautiful wife was making her routinely trip to her husband in the mountains. About three hours into the trip, she heard footsteps behind her. When she looked back though, nothing was there. Closer and closer the footsteps would seem to be but whenever she looked back, everything went silent. Again, she started walking, then moved into a run, then a full out sprint along this dirt trail. A shadow of a man would flash by her side, a deep laughing echoed throughout the forest and her mind. Screaming for help, desperate for someone to help her out in the middle of this empty forest. It  was getting closer again. Her legs were burning, tiring. She was slowing down, but the thing was still right by her, she knew it. Acknowledging that the worst was about to happen she collapsed.

The husband was on his way to work, following the dirt trial along the forest. Head down, daydreaming about when he would see his wife (he knew it would be soon), he tripped and fell into the dirt. As he was getting up and becoming aware of his surroundings, a triangular pattern of rocks enclosed him and the drained, blood stained head of his wife amidst the ashes of an day old campfire.
His wife was decapitated and the rest of her body was burnt into ash. Now enraged, he knew of only one person who could have done this and that was Sam. Against the disbelief that Sam wasn't dead from the previous event,Sam would come for him next.

The husband gathered the rest of the other 3 workers and barricaded themselves in another cabin a few miles away and waited. Night fell and they were still waiting for this monster to appear. Soon enough, they heard rustling outside of the cabin. Pounding on the door echoed the cabin, but it was too barricaded for anything to break through. Then footsteps were echoing on the roof. Minutes of silence filled the air, complete silence. That deep demonic laugh echoed throughout the cabin followed by a whisper,   "you can't kill something that has already died....." A worker lit the lamp in the cabin in the darkness. In the opposite corner, in the shadows, the charred, black, burnt corpse of Sam stood up.

Screams filled the cabin, slipping on wet dirt from the blood of his coworkers he moved the barricades off the door of the cabin. Escaping with three long scratches that cut through his shirt, into his skin. Looking back he saw the cabin light up in flames. For the second time, he heard the screams of the living roasting inside with the demon keeping them company.

Running along the outskirts of the cabin where makeshift tents were held, the husband searched for the emergency radio that was left inside. Finding the radio, he called and connected with a dispatcher, crying he demanded for help as soon as possible in the mountains.

A search team found the husband lying in one of the makeshift tents, dead from the infection of scratches on his back. The husband wrote down what happened on paper. Knowing that he was going to die, he begged that nobody else must come here. Sam won't let you leave alive."

-----That night i slept with my pocket knife in my sleeping bag. Following the next day we hiked around the mountains and came across two burned down, ancient looking cabins only miles apart. My scout leader said, "let me know if you see anything running through the trees ok boys?" in a completely serious tone. I was a damn wreck that whole hellish weekend. I hate camping.

Monday, April 22, 2013


"I remember the day that i was told the haunted story of Old Main. Chuckling to myself, i could only think of what a crock this all is. Still though, curiosity always wins.

"Several months later, Halloween came along and after the dance my friend and i decided we should try to see what this was all about. We walked along the outskirts of the building at two in the morning, looking for any activity. We saw that one light was on in the third story, left hand corner of the building, but that was it. As we started our checks around the buildings doors for a way in at first but nothing budged. Once we got back to original position, we saw that the light in the room on the third floor was off and the one to the right was now on. Thinking that maybe we were just crazy and got it mixed up we started to check for higher windows that might have been left open. Again, we reached the original position and the light moved again. Now we knew for sure we weren't crazy and something was in there.

"But what kind of janitor or worker is there on a weekend that early in the morning? What possible explanation is there for this?

"Talking about how weird this is, we watched for several  more minutes waiting for the light to move again but nothing happened. We started walking around the side of the building to leave but then i see the blinds on a window move on the ground floor. I freeze, waiting for it. My friend also stops and we stand there staring at this window. Nothing happens but we know something is behind those blinds. Then after 30 silent seconds went by that felt like eternity. Slowly the blinds were pulled apart and a an eye of a woman was pushed up to the blinds, stressed and blood shot, and looked right through us. As if we were invisible to her. Scared shitless i booked it and my friend was close behind. I sprinted faster than i ever have in my life.

"Why in the good world would there be someone inside the building wandering around in the middle of the night? I am still confused about that night. Creeped out as well."

Friday, April 19, 2013

Missionary Fights a Darker Presence

As many have heard, Mormon missionaries often come back with their own stories against a darker power during their two years of service for the lord. These stories have ranged from seeing dark "figures" in a room to a lost individual practicing a form of black magic. Possessed and demonic voices have escaped the mouth of kids and sometimes, maybe a kind of lost language that nobody can understand, will be deeply uttered.

This story reminds me of some Paranormal Activity series scenes. HA. Thank the lord it wasn't me.

"I was experiencing some weird dreams at night for a week. It was starting to  bother me so I finally asked my roommate if he was having anything abnormal in his life as well. Turns out, he was having weird dreams as well. Every night I would wake up at around 3, sweating and in a panic, thinking that something was looming over me in the creepiest way possible.

Experiencing this every night for a little over a week now was taking its toll on me. I started taking long naps in the afternoon trying to get rid of the sleepiness. One afternoon, I fell asleep in the recliner for my nap. 15 minutes later, I woke up, but was in a way, paralyzed. Panicking, I tried calling for my companion, but I couldn't speak. I tried screaming now, but still, nothing came out. My chest tightened and I attempted to move my body at all, with every ounce of strength but I had no control and still, my chest tightened. Loosing breath, I made one last attempt on screaming for my bloody life but nothing came. I was alone, and suffocating to death. I started praying to god, it was the only thing I could think of. I felt my chest rising, higher and higher. I could feel my back leave the recliner, and my legs straightening out. Having no control over my body and no life in my lungs, I was sure I was now going to die. Even though I was only in the living room, I have never felt so isolated. Darkness started to cloud over my eyes and I heard whispers in my head. Whispers only saying the worst imaginable.

'ELDER!' screamed my companion. He sprinted into the living room and he said he saw me getting thrown back maybe 10" into the chair. Gasping for air, I thanked god for another break and my companion for saving me. My companion said he had this strange feeling that he should run and check on me, immediately. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't shake the feeling.

We had those over us come visit the house and try to bless our apartment. Attempting to cast the demons out of the apartment, but it didn't work. We ended up moving out and they tried putting sister missionaries in there as well, but they only last three days before they were transferred as well. As far as I of, missionaries are no longer allowed there.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

SUU Ghost Stories

Shared by one of my awesome SUU friends

I heard a few people say that the music building is haunted with the sounds of a piano playing a solemn, gloomy song.. Same with the underground tunnels that connect the stages for the shakespear festivals that have the sounds of shrieks and growls echoing around you.  AND a similar story is told about Old Main, the woman that turns on lights in the middle of the night and claws from the inside of the windows..... They are just ghost stories though, right? 

One night, a friend of mine went for a summer, midnight walk around campus. The same topic arose, the ghost stories that we have heard about over the past year. We thought maybe we should do a little investigation ourselves.

We neared the back side of the music building and thought we would give the doors a try. I went up to the door, peered inside into the blackness of the building and gave it a pull, but it was firmly locked. As we stepped away to go find another way in, the door propped open a few inches. I turn around to only see the back of a very white young man in a very light blue shirt i think walk around the corner, then down the hall.

As much as a warning sign that SHOULD have been and as weird as that seemed, we went into the music building at one in the morning anyway. Attached to the hidden mystery of the music just like my childhood was attached to my gameboy. I walked down the few stairs and looked down the hallway that i swear i just saw that guy walk down. But the lights were off completely, and i didn't hear anything down there so i decided we should check the upstairs music room where the piano was. Stepping inside we didn't see anything irregular, but starting to become a little creeped out, we got out of there.

We went downstairs to the first floor. To those that have been down there, you can choose to go left down the hall, left up the stairs or right once you walk in from the outside. However in the middle of the night, these hallways looked like endless black holes just waiting for a couple of dumb college students to walk down. So we walked down the left side of the hallway first because it's shorter. Nearing the end of this hallway you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, so we shined our pathetic little cell phones in front of us for light. On our way back from the left side of the hallway, we both could hear the sound of a damn piano playing gently, secretly. Curiosity killed us both, having to check this out. Walking towards the music, it slowly grew louder and louder. We neared the end of the hall and we could hear the music perfectly. It was coming out of one of two rooms, but we didn't know which one. Frozen, standing there, out of disbelief and horror. We finally had the courage to take just one more step into the darkness that held this music. Then suddenly the sound of the music stopped.... echoing the sound of silence. SLAM and the sound of the keyboard cover (im guessing) slammed shut. Scared shitless we ran for our lives outside of the music building onto the grass. After a couple seconds of catching our breath, we looked back up..... and saw the SAME GUY in the light blue shirt, looking down at us from the stairs, simply smiling at us. Then he once again disappeared into the darkness.

I didn't enter the music building for a whole year after that.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The old haunted house of Cedar City!

Here in Cedar, there is a house that is surely haunted. Anyone that has lived there can confirm that. Within the next week a buddy of mine plan on exploring it!!!

Some have heard the sound of a little girl playing around in the kitchen. Opening all the cabinets and slamming them back shut in the middle of the night. 

A middle aged man, who's name is believed to be Hector, lives upstairs and walks from room to room. Slowly opening and shutting the doors as he wanders the halls of the house.

Finally, there is a spirit of old lady that is trapped within her old room. Once a resident of her house, she grew old and crippled. Not being able to get out of her house she lost contact of those outside. Years passed and the more lonely this poor old woman came to be. Trapped in her own room, curses of god and life engorged the last days of her life. Managing to be brought to the hospital, she slipped away. Only for her spirit to be pulled back into the room that prisons her.
Now, you can hear her curses of hated towards the happy and living at night. Full of hated, her shadows can be seen pacing around the walls and moaning in misery.

Recently, the residents of this house has found a tunnel under the house. Connecting to a hole under the staircase to the houses basement AND to a circular room under the basement full of cobwebs. It is so dark, some believe that sacrifices were held here.

I have spent 20 minutes in this house myself two years ago and left in a hurry out of confusion and... well... just being creeped out like no other.Hopefully I will have a update for this weekend about this adventure!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Haunting of LDS Missionaries

After a little research about this story, and the meaning of 3 in the bible, strange resemblances appear throughout similar stories of Mormon missionaries. As everyone knows, the number 3 stands for the Trinity all throughout the bible. These spirits don't agree so much with the teachings of god. "The fallen" have always had the power to mock the Trinity. 
"In 2001 I was serving a Mormon mission in Guayaquil, Ecuador. As you might know, missionaries are paired up in twos and are called companionships. My particular companion at this time was a young guy from Chile. We lived in a little two level home made of cinder blocks and cement just on the outskirts of a small town near Guayaquil. We lived on the lower level. My companion had lived in this home for a couple of months before I moved in, and at this time, I had moved in 2 months prior. .
One morning as we were studying, we heard what sounded like footsteps running across the floor of the second level, right above our heads. We looked at each other and instantly dismissed the idea of mice or rats because the footsteps were so loud and hard, they could not have possible been from a small rodent or animal. The footsteps ran from one end of the floor to the other. Because he had lived there longer than I had, I asked him if he knew what was on the second level. He told me that he had never even been up there and as far as he knew, we were the only ones in the house. It was an eerie experience to hear the footsteps, but we didn’t trouble ourselves anymore on the issue, and we went about our regular missionary schedule.
Roughly a week later, as we were again studying, we heard the same thing above our heads. This got us really interested in finding out what was on the second level, so we decided to investigate. We found that there were only two ways to get up to that level. One way was through our room. There was a door that sat right next to the front of my bed; however, this door had 8 or 9 locks that ran up and down the door as if someone bolted that door shut with the intention that it would never be opened again. I didn’t think much about the door until we heard the footsteps, but I remember thinking it was a bit spooky. The other way to the second level was through the kitchen. There was a large black steel door that opened up to a spiral-type staircase and led right up to the second level. It seemed as if this door had not been opened in years; we had to pry it open using our strength and a couple of tough kitchen utensils. We were able to get the black door open and ended up ascending the staircase. The only light source we had were candles, so we had a couple of lit candles to give us the necessary light. When we got to the second level, and to our astonishment, there were a lot of pictures of little children. These pictures, some actual and some drawings, were positioned in a circle around what seemed to be burnt candles. There were no drawings on the floor, just burnt candles and melted wax everywhere. We thought it was a little creepy and we had that feeling that encouraged us to leave it alone and not worry about it, so we left after looking around a little and again went back to our regular schedule.
A couple days later we were just getting back from a day of service and we both decided to hit the hay a little earlier than normal. As I mentioned before, there was a wooden door next to the head of my bed with 8 or 9 locks on it. As I was laying there on the bed just relaxing and staring out my window, I heard three VERY loud and distinguishing knocks that came from the other side of the door. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. Instinct kicked in and I threw the sheets over my head, scared out of my mind because I knew that there was only one other way to get to the staircase that led upstairs and that was in the kitchen. I yelled at my companion, who was in his bed at the other end of the room, but he was asleep and would not wake up. I yelled at my compainion again, praying for help, but he couldn't hear me. 
I must have passed out eventually because the next thing I remember was waking up at exactly 3:00 am. I pulled my head out of the covers to look around and see if anything was unusual, but there was just a storm outside and a lot of lightning.
The next morning, we got up for companionship study, and I relayed the story of what happened to me that night. I told him about the knocks and waking up at 3. As I was in the middle of telling him, he looked at me strangely and asked, “What is that on your face?” I felt around my face but could only feel a little burning when my hand went over three bumps on my face.. I darted to the bathroom mirror and to my horror, I had three very long scratches on the right side of my face that ran from the top of my forehead to the bottom of my chin. They were very red long distinguishable scratches. I sat there staring at them, thinking of any possible explanation as to why they were there and why three. I kept thinking about the three knocks and waking up at 3:00 am and now three scratches...