Friday, March 29, 2013

The Clown and the Kids

A girl is babysitting for a family in Newport Beach, Ca. This family is wealthy and decided to live in a decent sized house.  One night, the parents are going out for the usual dinner and a movie.

The parents take off and soon she gets the kids (little brother and sister) into bed and goes to the living room to watch TV. She tries watching TV, but she heard the little boy coming back down the stairs crying.

"I can't sleep, It's so scary in my room..." says the little boy.

"I'll see what I can do."

The babysitter travels back up to the little Tikes room and tucks him back into bed. After she reassures the little one that it'll be okay she begins to head out. As she leaves the room once more, she notices a clown statue sitting in the corner of the room looking over the boy. Now knowing why he can't sleep, because of this creepy ass clown in his room... she thought that maybe she should move the clown out of there.

So she calls the father and asks, "Hey, the kids are in bed, but is it okay if I move the clown out of your sons room? This clown statue is really creeping him out I think."

The father says seriously, "Get the kids, go next door and call 911."

 "What's going on?"

He responds, "Just go next door and once you call the police, call me back."

"Okay I will, but really, what's going on?"

".....We don't HAVE a clown statue."

Panicking, the babysitter then runs to the kids, grabs them, then sprints over to the neighbors and calls the police. 

After calling the police the babysitter looked back up to the window of the little boys room and the clown stood there, watching them run away. A smile crept across the clowns face and he slowly raised his hand for a "friendly" wave.

The dad explains that the children have been complaining about a clown watching them as they sleep. He and his wife had just blown it off, assuming that they were just having nightmares.

The police arrive and apprehend the "clown". He was a mentally ill homeless person dressed as a clown, who somehow got into the house and had been living there for a couple weeks. He would come into the kids' rooms at night and watch them while they slept. As the house was so large, he was able to avoid detection for such a long time.  When the babysitter entered the kids room he didn't have enough time to hide, so he just froze in place and pretended to be a statue. Authorities found only the clown costume and a smile knife on the man.

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